Friday 20 February 2009

Perliminary Task- Storyboard

Storyboard for Our Preliminary Task
Added by Sophie Dow

Here is our storyboard for our preliminary task. This helped us a lot while filming because we could easily keep track of what we needed to do. Overall we followed our storyline rather well and kept to the storyboard as much as possible. I am very happy with the outcome of our preliminary task.

Unfortunately we were unable to add our storyboard for our main production, Rapire.

Thursday 19 February 2009


Added By Sophie Dow

Before we started filming, we had to think of a good storyline and make sure it was within a thriller genre.

We decided that we wanted our production to be a Horror Thriller, and based on a kidnap.

To get a better idea of our film genre and storyline, I created a moodboard of images that relate to our production.

Power Point

At the begining of our main task we created a presentation in aid for more knowledge on the genre of thrillers.

Preliminary Task

The first thing we did when it came to our preliminary task, was to decide our basic storyline. Due to the short amount of time allocated, and cameras only available in school hours, our locations became limited. Our thriller extract had to be based around a room in the school. We chose to use a small interview room, however, tried our best to disguise it as a room in a house. With these basics sorted, we began storyboarding our thriller. When this was completed, we finalised our script, and hand picked our actors. As a group, we proof read our work, and decided we were ready to start filming.

We used a varied amount of shots, using the tripod at all times, to give still, steady movements. To improve our filming capabilities, we improvised by standing on chairs to give an extreme high angle shot. We filmed over two days, risking the problem of continuity errors, such as, settings and costumes, however, as a group, we worked together to make sure this problem did not occur. Please see following posts, for overviews on our personal opinions on filming.

Once we had finished filming, we edited on iMovie. We have only used the programme once before, making it difficult for us to get used to it, but with perserverance we worked it out and were able to edit our very own thriller extract. We used simple cuts, with no other transitions, to create a sense of realism, which is one of the thriller conventions. We altered the colours, giving it more of a sepia toning, to make it have a more professional touch, and to prevent bright colours distracting the audience. Unfortuantly, we didn't have enough time to create opening titles and credits, however, we will make them in our final task.

We showed our extract to our teachers and classmates, who all seemed to be impressed by it. It was also quite interesting watching the other thrillers, and seeing how they interpreted the task.

Beginnings of Thriller Project

Our group consists of Danielle Irwin, Charlotte Coyle and Sophie Dow. To begin with, we felt our knowledge of the thriller genre needed to be widened, therefore we investigated the different conventions by watching many thrillers.

To summarise what we had learnt so far in the project, we put everything together into a presentation, which can be found attached. Within our presentation, we showed an extract of The Life of David Gale, and explained the different conventions it holds and subverts. This also helped our classmates gain extra knowledge on the genre, as well as, improve our understanding.

As we became able to understand the basics of thriller conventions, we started to investigate sub-genres, by looking at Film Noir. We learnt the different characteristics of this genre, by undertaking independant research, and by watching some examples, such as, Double Indemity. Once we knew exactly what Film Noir was, in our groups, we took five photographs in the style of it. We did this by putting them in black and white, using mirrors/reflections, and silhouettes. These photos are attached below.