Tuesday 3 March 2009

Evaluation of Preliminary Task- Charlotte Coyle

I found the preliminary task to be quite successful. We were able to complete our re-search, story board and script on time. As we were on time, we were left spare time at home to perfect our story board and script, we used this to our advantage.

Filming was unfortunately disrupted as our school had to be closed due to the snow. As a group we were able to work pass this and complete the task on time. When school had re-opened we were able to begin filming and chose school to be our setting. We filmed over three days, but to make it look realistic we made our actors wear exactly the same thing each day. Even though they wore the same things and had their hair the same, we forgot about our female actress’ nails. In one shot they are painted and in the next they aren’t, this is a learning point for our main task.

When we had completed our filming we transferred all of our recorded material on to the Apple Mac’s. We were able to do this quickly by using a fire wire we were provided with. We then deleted the parts of what we had recorded that didn’t work well with our thriller. When we had what we wanted left, we began to put the selected clips together to create our very own thriller extract. Timing was a big problem for us, as we wanted more than our time limit allowed, so we had to keep cutting out extract down. Our film still over ran the time limit, which was a shame. However this is a learning curve for us as we now know that we have to be ruthless.

To make our thriller complete we added music, we added this music from Garage Band which is a program on the Apple Mac’s. We didn’t add in any transitions as we wanted to keep the thriller realistic. Also in keeping with the realism theme we didn’t use many effects, the only effect we did use was the ghost effect so that when our actress turned around it was more dramatic. We also put our extract in a low sepia town just to add to the thriller conventions.

By doing this preliminary task we were able to gain a better knowledge on thrillers and how to use all of the equipment.

Evaluation of Preliminary Task - Sophie Dow

Overall i think the preliminary task was very successful. We used a good variety of camera angles and movement, I thought we chose suitable sounds to create more suspense and I really liked the way we used a black and white effect throughout the clip. Our storyboard helped us a lot to produce the extract and kept us up-to-date with what we had to do next.

Even though I thought the preliminary task went well, there is definitely room for improvement. We could of thought more about the mise en scene, the type of lighting and ensure the camera is still and steady when filming the clips. This will help us to produce a more professional output towards our audience.

This preliminary task has helped us to gain more skills and techniques which will prepare us for the main task and ensure it is of a high standard.

Evaluation of Preliminary Task - Danielle Irwin

The preliminary task went well, considering we had to film everything in the school environment. After storyboarding and writing our short script, we had to find actors, which proved to be difficult, especially as we only had lesson time to record. Once we had found our actors, it was hard keeping the consistency as we filmed over three days. Things like clothing and props had to be kept the same, and little things, like our actress' nails are painted in some scenes, but not in others, were only noticed afterwards. In our main task, we will carefully look out for these things.

Another deterrent, was the heavy snow that caused school to be closed, and therefore filming to be put back. We worked fast to make sure we could present our extract for the later deadline. Having a group of three has helped, as we can work well, and effectively together.

Once the filming was completed, we had to transfer it to the Apple Mac using a Firewire. We had trouble with this, as we hadn't rewound the tape to the beginning before filming. This meant it was difficult to find our recordings, and some things had to be done again. Next time, we will definately make sure that we start from the beginning of the tape, to be more efficient and save time.

Editing was difficult to begin with, because we haven't had a lot of experience with the Apple computers. Working together, we managed to teach ourselves the basics, like cutting, and the effects. Once we had cut out all the mistakes our actors made, and the uneccesery scenes, we put them all together. We then used Garage Band to create our sound effects; this was quite rushed because our deadline was under an hour away. Next time, we will definiately organise our time better, and make sure we don't spend a lot of time on one thing, and not enough on another.

We didn't use too many effects, to keep a sense of realism, and not to make it too over the top, however, we used a ghost effect when our actress turned around near the end of the actress. We also altered the colours, to give a more professional tone and to emphasise certain darker colours, like purple and blue.

For the transitions, we used all cuts to keep it fast paced, and stayed clear of tacky wipes etc, to escentuate the professional tone once again.

The preliminary task has really helped us to gain further knowledge in the production of short extracts, and will make the main task easier to complete, and better in the long run.